Going to Animal Kingdom This April? Then You’ll Want To Check Out These!
In celebration of Earth Month Disney is releasing some new Magic Shots around Animal Kingdom. You’ll be able to find these Magic Shots throughout the park all month long.

Discovery River near the Tree of Life between Africa & Asia
Across from Feathered Friends in Flight!
Near the waterfall in Discovery Island by Tree of Life

Discovery River near the Tree of Life between Africa & Asia
Exit of Kilimanjaro Safaris
Harambe Marketplace area
Near the waterfall in Discovery Island by Tree of Life
Near the Siamangs facing Expedition Everest
Park entrance

Discovery River near the Tree of Life between Africa & Asia
Across from Feathered Friends in Flight!
Exit of Kilimanjaro Safaris

Meeko & Flit:
Discovery River near the Tree of Life between Africa & Asia
Across from Feathered Friends in Flight!
Exit of Kilimanjaro Safaris

Pocahontas Compass:
Photographers stationed closest to the Tree of Life in Discovery Island

Tree of Life:
Discovery River near the Tree of Life between Africa and Asia
Near the Oasis Exhibits as you enter the park and head towards Discovery Island
Which is your favorite?
Source: Disney